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Uji Meguri


[流派]Ikuta Ryû - 生田
[対象楽器]八重崎 検校 - 箏
松浦 検校 - 三弦

詩 (【翻訳者】 John Tedford)


In the spring breeze
which blows across the fields of tea,
harvested for countless generations,
the floating sleeves
of the goddess Saohime,
spring bearer of Kotobuki ["good fortune"]
are like Wakamidori ["young and green"]
She shyly shows to public view
Hatsumukashi ["first-picked tea"]

Penetrating the mists
at Aoyama ["green mountain"]
is Komatsu no Shiro ["fortress of the little pine"]
The village
of Aya no Mori ["forest of twilled cloth"],
free from nature's harm a thousand years
is like the unravaged, ageless
Babamukashi ["old woman's tea"]
The decorative leaves for
the New Year
at the shrine of Matsu-no-o

will bestow on anyone a longer life
like Chiyo no Midori ["green of a thousand generations"]
and Nochimukashi ["last-picked tea"]
will endure until the twilight of the gods.

Glistening in the sunlight
is Sono no Ume ["garden plum"]
and also Shiraume ["white plum"]
so full of color and fragrance.

Kawayanagi ["river willow"]
is deep-reflected in the waters
where the waves of Uji
flood into Lake Biwa.

The mountain rose
shows its first petals
and we scent the fragrance
of Hanatachibana ["orange tree"]
Like an auspicious dream
comes drifting
the sweet smell of Oritaka ["dream hawk"]
and in the talons of Kotaka ["little hawk"]
is grasped a branch.

In the plentiful shade of the trees
of Ichimori ["one forest"]
[we see] the hermitage of Kisen ["joyous choice"]
the mountain peak in summer
and even hear Taki no Oto ["sound of the waterfall"]


At the edge of Asahi-yama
near Kikusui ["chrysanthemum water"]
[we find] Usumomiji ["delicate autumn foliage"].
Searching for food
at the summit of Mount Takao,
the voices of wild geese
reach even Mount Kasadori ["taking an umbrella"].

How innumerable and wonderful
are the names of teas!

Oiraku ["the pleasure of old ago"]
puts the heart at ease

and Mai-zuru ["dancing crane"]
sings in celebration.

宇治巡り は下記のアルバムに収録されています

アルバム アーティスト
Play ButtonAbe Keiko no Shigei 尺八 : 初世 青木 鈴慕
三弦 : 阿部 桂子
箏 : 藤井 久仁江

Abe Keiko Record Set - 04 尺八 : 二世 青木 鈴慕
歌 : 阿部 桂子
三弦 : 阿部 桂子
箏 : 藤井 久仁江
Play ButtonFascination of the Koto 5 箏 : 米川 敏子
歌 : 太田久子
三弦 : 太田久子
尺八 : 山口 五郎
Uji is a place situated in the south of Kyoto which produces high quality tea. The text refers to the four seasons of Uji and 22 brand names of good tea. This large scale composition has two large scale instrumental interludes (tegoto) where both insturments show their virtuosity, often in the form of call and response.

Fascination of the Shakuhachi - 4 歌 : 米川 敏子
箏 : 米川 敏子
歌 : 二世 米川 文子
三弦 : 二世 米川 文子
尺八 : 山本 邦山
This te-goto piece composed by MATSUURA kengyo in hon-chosi tuning, while the te-goto for koto is in the katakumoi tuning and was made by YAEZAKI kengyo. The lyrics were written by TANAKA Kouji of Kyoto. MATSUURA kengyo was a great sangen player in Kyoto in the Bunka-Bunsei eras. YAEZAKI kengyo was a great koto player also from Kyoto who composed many accompaniments to the repertoire of ji-uta. (popular songs accompanied by shamisen that originated in the western part of Japan.) In UJI MEGURI, scenes from Uji (in southeast of Kyoto and famed for its tea) are described. However, the writer's aim was to weave the brand names of good tea into the lyrics rather than telling a consistent story.

Fujii Kunie, The World of Shamisen and Jiuta Singing 4 箏 : 米川 敏子
尺八 : 山口 五郎
歌 : 藤井 久仁江
三弦 : 藤井 久仁江

Fukami Satomi - Sokyoku Jiuta Shu - 3 箏 : 野坂 惠子
歌 : 深海さとみ
三弦 : 深海さとみ

Jiuta no Kaori - Fujii Kunie 箏 : 岩田柔柯
三弦 : 藤井 久仁江

Sankyoku Gassō Dai Zenshū (zoku) vol. 15 (続三曲合奏大全集15) 歌 : 岩田柔柯
箏 : 岩田柔柯
歌 : 井上 道子
三弦 : 井上 道子
尺八 : 山口 五郎
歌 : 富樫 教子
三弦 : 富樫 教子

Sasagawa Shizue no Shigei Vol. 4 三弦 : 佐々川静枝
箏 : 峰内吟彰
尺八 : 山口 五郎
Play ButtonShakuhachi no Shinzui-Sankyoku Gasso - 03 尺八 : 山口 五郎

Sōkyoku - Nebiki no Matsu / Sankyoku- Uji Meguri 尺八 : 納富治彦
歌 : 松尾恵子
箏 : 松尾恵子
三弦 : 松尾和子

Sokyoku Jiuta Taikei 27 歌 : 中能島 欣一
箏 : 中能島 欣一
歌 : 宮城 道雄
三弦 : 宮城 道雄

Zoku Sō-Sangen-Shakuhachi ni yoru Mei Senshū - volume 6 歌 : 松尾恵子
三弦 : 松尾恵子
箏 : 森雄士